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Frequently Asked Questions

Hopefully this page answers the questions you might have. If you still want to know more, we're always happy to chat! Just head over to our contact page. 


Jump in the page to: general, choir, or the conference

So...what exactly is Relay?

The Relay Worship Group is a multi-denominational, non-profit Christian ministry that exists to connect, encourage and equip our worshiping community. 


What denomination are you affiliated with?

None...but also, several. Two of our main sponsoring churches are Baptist and Methodist, but we also have involvement from non-denominational churches, Church of Christ, Church of the Nazarene, and more. One of our core beliefs is in the unity of the Church, across all denominational lines. If you love Jesus as your Lord, we can work through anything else that might make us look or think differently.


How can I give? 

Click the white "Donate" button at the top of the page, or click here! We also accept checks. â€‹

If you're part of a business that would like to be a corporate sponsor for Relay Worship but want to meet with us first, we'd love to have lunch or coffee to discuss what that could look like! Just email us and we'll get back to you ASAP!


Where are your nights of worship?

Our locations change each time! Watch out on our website and social media for the most up-to-date location. In the past, we've hosted at Woodburn Baptist Church and Christ Church in Bowling Green, LifePoint Church in Franklin, and Russellville United Methodist Temple in Russellville. Let's add your church to the list!

Can I still sing with the community choir if my church doesn't have a choir? What if we don't have a paid music minster? What if I don't even go to church?

There is absolutely no requirement for you to have a church choir or minister to participate with us. 


When is the next event? 

The next SKyPAC Easter event will be on April 5 & 6, 2025.


When will rehearsals be? Do I have to be at all of them to sing with you?

Visit the Choir page for the rehearsal schedules! Of course it would be best to attend all rehearsals, but we understand everybody has a life outside of choir. You'll need to be at a minimum of half of them. 

When & where is the next conference?

The next Relay Worship Conference is February 15, 2025 at First Baptist Church of Bowling Green.​


How much does it cost? 

The conference costs $25 for students (high school and college) and $50 for other individuals until October 31. Group pricing is available for groups of 4 or more. 


Who is the conference for? 

You! Really, though--if you're reading this, you should attend.

We gear our conferences mainly toward those involved in worship ministry (full-time, part-time, bi-vocational, or volunteer music ministers; instrumentalists; tech teams; choir members; and any other volunteers or teams), but there is a huge value for anyone. Some of our past topics we've covered have ranged anywhere from children and youth ministries to the book of Revelation to instrument master classes to mental health and racial issues. 


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