What makes one worship leader more effective than another?
What makes one worship gathering more transformative than another?
What makes one platform team more engaging than another?
We have spent hundreds of hours asking that question of ourselves, one another, friends and colleagues. Based on scripture study, careful observation, and countless conversations, the leaders of the Relay Worship Group have identified four core principles. These aren't exhaustive, of course. But they are core. If these four are evident in abundant ways, the other—perhaps lesser considerations—will fall into place. We might think of it as a shadow-reflection of Jesus' instruction to seek first God's kingdom and righteousness (justice) and then other things are added as a matter of course.
What are the four?
For now, just a couple of sentences about each, and then in upcoming posts we will unpack them more fully.
Godly — this is first and most essential. What is Godliness? In short, it is a life surrendered to thinking shaped by God, feeling shaped by God, and actions shaped by God. It isn't perfection, but pursuing Christlike perfection. It isn't sinlessness; it's a longing for—and movement toward righteousness.
Anointed — a word often overused or underused, anointed is simply—as a pastor taught me—God's power for God's task. There is a mystery to it because it is from God, but there's no magic to it. When you are operating in God's power, you have an awareness that you are no longer working in your power.
Thoughtful — the common buzzword in the marketplace of ideas is mindfulness. I would propose that thoughtfulness may be a more expansive and scriptural word. Plan thoughtfully. Pray thoughtfully. Interact with people thoughtfully. Strategize thoughtfully. Lead thoughtfully. Imagine thoughtfully.
Excellent — excellence is not perfection. Perfection and precision are wonderful targets for the professionals, the experts. But for our purposes, excellence is simply doing the very best we can given the resources we have. Individuals should be the best they can. So should worship gatherings.
One of Relay's key leaders helped us with the order. You probably noticed that they spell gate, which is perhaps more divine than serendipitous. You'll remember that Jesus is the Gate (John 10:9), and that Jesus is our High Priest. He is our Worship Leader. Just as God placed His Son at the center of history, in the heart of redemption, we must place Jesus as the core of our worship gatherings. He is the GATE. We believe Relay Worship can help you be a shadow of that Gate, made in His image to do His work (Ephesians 2:10).
A final word: Relay is an interdenominational organization. These concepts will hold true across any orthodox congregation, but they are also likely to have differing levels of emphasis among various denominations. Our call is to a Biblically rich, historically validated, theologically sound heartbeat. In all things we want to be under the authority of scripture, informed by the history of the church, and--like Jesus--full of grace and truth. Because we are human, we may get something wrong. We are always eager to dialogue and reserve the right to be better tomorrow than we were yesterday.